What does jc mean for a seiko model number
What does jc mean for a seiko model number

what does jc mean for a seiko model number

Thanks for all the great knowledge here and have a nice day,

what does jc mean for a seiko model number

On the other hand all those variables are there (with dozens of others) they only thing that I can change is the amount o variables I collect and do math with. Assuming I am focusing only on statistically significant ratios, but I wonder what impact there is on the validity of the data with so many variables. I am using Excel at Version 1702 (Build 7870.2020) and Real Stats at 4.13 Excel 2010/2013/2016.Īlso, a short additional question – what is your opinion on interpreting BLR ratios in such a case? The way I was working 2 weeks ago was re-running the analysis with 12 and then 8 variables to get a significant model for estimating engagement based on a limited amount of variables, adding an ability to derive a company-wide improvement strategy in 8 key areas instead of 35. I am writing this inquiry since I think the problem could be an issue with Excel / Real Stats versions. I also changed the representation for decimal places – both commas and dots yield no improvement.

what does jc mean for a seiko model number

I checked the data formats and tried numbers, general, others – no change. As you can imagine this stops the whole analysis half-way through. Second issue: after switching to Solver I get various p-Pred and Coeff’s but the Covariance Matrix returns a “#NUM!” error for which there seems to be no explanation. There are 2 specific issues: while using Newton’s method I get a diagonal line for the ROC curve and p-Pred at 0.5 for all observations, also Coeff = 0 for all observations.

what does jc mean for a seiko model number

BUT it seems that I can’t run a proper BLR on that data now. Context: I have a file with 312 rows and 35 columns (all binary data) that represent certain business conditions and an outcome – employee engagement (engaged vs. I encountered a major problem with the Binary Logistic Regression. Por favor tengo una base de datos de 33 variables independintes y una variable dependiente multinomial, debo hacer una regresión logistica multinomial, pero tengo los datos sin el formato que ud muy amablemente presenta en la página, e intento organizarlos como Ud los presenta pero no he podido, ¿ cómo puedo aplicar la regresión logistica multinomial sin el formato que Ud presenta en la página, sino con las 33 variables independientes y la varaible dependiente multinomial? o como puedo construir el formato a mis datos para que quede en el formato de la página de Real Stattistics?, muchas gracias. Please I have a database of 33 independent variables and a multinomial dependent variable, I must do a multinomial logistic regression, but I have the data without the format that you very kindly present on the page, and I try to organize them as you present them but I have not Possible, how can I apply multinomial logistic regression without the format that you present on the page, but with the 33 independent variables and the multinomial dependent variable? Or how can I build the format of my data so that it is in the format of the page of Real Stattistics ?, Thank you very much.ĭr Charles, buenos días, espero que Ud y su familia se encuentre muy bien en estos dificiles tiempos. Dr Charles, good morning, I hope you and your family are feeling very well in these difficult times.

What does jc mean for a seiko model number